wfp Round Robin Test

Our laboratory offers for more than 20 years a yearly round robin test for the relevant tests of papers for corrugated, corrugated board and corrugated boxes. It has been set up in the past as a service for the laboratories in the corrugated board industry, but actual the participants are coming also from the customers of our industry as well as from authorities. Currently round 100 laboratories are participating.

The sample material is prepared and distributed to the participants by the wfp-laboratory. We evaluate the test results and distribute the test report to the participants. The test report is encoded. It means, that each participant receives only his original code, the results of the other laboratories are for him anonymous..

Are the measured values of your test equipment above or below the industry average?

Our Round Robin Test will give you the answer.

Your benefits:

Unser Wissen für Ihr Produkt

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Kantenstauchwiderstand von Wellpappe nach DIN EN ISO 3037

Paper testing

Corrugated board testing

Corrugated box testing

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